Quality Bank Deposit Bags Keep Cash And Valuables Safe

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Quality Bank Deposit Bags keep cash and valuables safe

There are many businesses which receive payment in the form of cash. It can be risky for the business to keep the money in the business premises overnight since may be stolen. Hence businesses are looking for bank deposit bags which they can use for keeping the cash, checks and other valuables which are to be deposited in the bank, safe room. They are interested in purchasing zippered bank deposit bags since these bags can be easily opened or closed with the zip. The high-quality zip also has a provision for locking, so that unauthorized persons cannot open the bag and tamper with the contents of the bag or steal them.

The cash deposit bags are available in different sizes to cater to the requirement of customers who may have different amounts of cash for deposit daily or periodically. The standard size is 9″ X 12″ and the other sizes which can be selected using the drop-down menu are 8″ X 10″, 8″ X 12″, 8″ X 14″. The standard bag has a weight of 65 lb. In case a business requires bags of other sizes they can contact the company with their specific requirement. These bags are mainly suitable for cash, valuables, and checks, for other items especially documents, it is recommended that document bags are used.

The deposit bags are made from extremely durable material and can be used for many years, without being damaged. Some of the materials which are being used for the bags are laminated nylon, 1000 denier nylon, canvas 14 oz, and clear vinyl, and customers can choose the material based on their requirement. Some customers prefer to use clear vinyl, since the content of the bag is easily visible, they do not have to open it to check what is inside. Others do not want the content of the bag to be revealed to others, so they may use laminated nylon or canvas. 1000 denier nylon fabric is made from high tenacity nylon and does not get torn easily.

Customers can also choose the bags in a specific color. The bags are available in different colors like red, black, royal blue, navy blue, forest green, burgundy, grey, gold, purple and orange. In some cases, the company may want the bags in colors which match the company logo. In other cases, the color may be selected for more practical considerations, since dirt on light-colored bags is likely to be visible faster. They are also offering free imprinting on the bag with company logo or other information for orders of a larger quantity. Details of free imprinting are available on request.

The locking deposit bags have a provision for attaching different kinds of locks for additional safety. All the bags ordered by a particular organization can have conventional locks with the same key, locks with different keys, or locks with different keys and a common master key. Alternately if the organization does not wish to handle keys, they can order bags with combination locks. Like the standard locks, for the combination locks, there is a provision for all locks having the same combination, or all the locks supplied can have different combinations. The combination locks are costing $6 more than the standard locks.

All the deposit bags are custom made after the order has been placed. These bags are shipped within ten to fourteen days after order placement. The bags are made in the United States and conform to the local design and quality standards. Organizations may wish to have a cardholder on the bag so that they can easily identify it. Hence there is a provision for a black-framed cardholder of size 2.5″ X 3.5″. The company accepts purchase orders from private and other organizations. To set up a purchase authorization, the buyer should contact the company.

The price for a standard deposit bag is $21.99. However, the company is offering bulk discounts for bulk orders of 3 to 4 or more. For quantities of more than 100 bags, the price listed at the website is $18.49. Large organizations who are ordering 250 or more deposit bags at a time are eligible for even better discounts and incentives. They should contact the company by mail, to get details of the offers available specifically terms and pricing. Thus, these high-quality deposit bags are highly recommended for organizations who are handling cash, checks and other valuables.

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