Tamper Proof Bags Ensure That Important Documents Remain Safe

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Tamper Proof Bags ensure that important Documents Remain Safe

Most businesses send a large variety of items from one place to another like confidential documents, checks, valuables, samples, cash, and other items. While some items are transported between the different rooms of the same office or building, in many cases these important and valuable items have to be transported between branches in the same city or different cities and towns. Business information and other items are a trade secret, and it is important to ensure that they remain safe. Hence businesses are increasingly interested in purchasing tamper proof bags which are designed so that only authorized persons can access their content.

A majority of the larger businesses have a number of branches and large offices with many employees. In these organizations, many valuable items like checks, cash, documents, confidential business information like a customer and financial reports have to be transported from one department to another or one branch to another. Most businesses usually carry out a background check of their employees, However, there is always a possibility that an employee or courier, may be tempted to check the contents of bags which are transported from one place to another, if the bags can be easily opened, and the recipient will not find any evidence that it has tampered.

Hence for greater security organizations of all sizes which deal with expensive and valuable items are interested in purchasing high-quality tamper proof security bags. These bags ensure that they can safely transport documents and other items from one place to another, without any item being lost, damaged or copied. The security bags are made from Nylon of 1000 Denier in different colors which cannot be easily torn or damaged even if it is handled roughly. Since the bottom of the bag carries the weight and is subjected to wear and tear, it is made of hard molded plastic for greater durability. The handles of the bag are made from a durable webbing.

The security bags usually have a window for the address and other details. The standard security bags are available with a zipper designed for heavy duty usage. There are custom made security bags also available with a belt type closure with a lock. There are multiple locking mechanisms available for these bags which are discussed separately. The standard sizes for these bags are 14″ X 18″ and 18″ X 24″. The bags of these sizes are in stock and will be shipped within a few days of placing the order. The bags are also available in other sizes which are larger. These sizes are custom made after the order is placed, and will be shipped in approximately 14 days.

Often organizations have to send items including confidential documents from one city to another or other customers in the same city. The organization may not have sufficient staff, so they have to hire a courier service for transporting the items. The courier service has a large number of staff who are handling the bag containing important items, and they will often handle it roughly because they had a large number of courier packages. Hence it is very likely that the courier bag may get damaged, and the items in it may get misplaced or damaged. Hence, business owners, staff are interested in procuring tamper proof courier bags near me.

The courier bags are made from Nylon of 1000 Denier and are available in different colors like red, black, royal blue, forest green, burgundy, gray, gold, purple, orange, yellow, brown and teal. The cardholder for placing the address is of size 3 inches X 5 inches. The trim and feet of the bags are made from tough hide which is durable and will not get torn easily. The handles are made from black webbed material for a comfortable grip so that the bag can be easily carried. A few standard sizes are available in stock and will be shipped immediately after the order is placed. A standard zip closure is available for all the bags.

For additional security, buyers of the courier and mailbags can choose between a number of locking mechanisms. All the bags supplied can have different key patterns, or the bags can be supplied having the same key. Alternately the bags supplied may have different keys, with the same master key. It is also possible to supply the bags with combination locks so that no key is required to open the bags. Like the standard keys, the combination locks may be similar for the different bags, or all the bags will have the same key for opening. Bulk discounts are available if three or more bags are ordered at a time.

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